Always outnumbered. Generally overdresssed.

Friday, February 06, 2009

Brother Stevie's Reflections on Manhood

We've had to put Sisters of Inversion on hold for a couple of weeks because Brother Stevie's "employer" is making him do "work" - I ask you? The two fine gentlemen above may also be appearing in an exhibition of his work in a gallery in Shoreditch. He has also turned his hand to decorating furniture for you to buy dear readers. If you'd like to know more about Brother Stevie's visionary genius, may I suggest his mind-bending Wolf Eagle Blog? There's a lot of splendid new stuff on there.

Brother Alex has gone to Brazil for sex tourism holiday. Let's hope that helps with his weary sense of existential emptiness.

Right, I'm meant to be assembling my portfolio, but I keep playing Spore. I may even waste some more time posting about Spore. That will be interesting for you.

UPDATE: If you like comics, then Mother have produced this - which I was annoyed to find stitched into my copy of Time Out last week. The art is brilliant, the writing not so. If you work at Mother and want to engage in some kind of write-off I will fucking have you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Been away for a week getting stared at, shoved and bummed by French people, and have just returned to hear of your rotten news.

I'm sure there'll be a few offers on the table for you, based on the quality of your writing, but if not then keep heart.

If you want some words of wisdom, here's what Google has to offer: "I prefer the errors of enthusiasm to the indifference of wisdom."

It's not really appropriate, but I'm too lazy to look up something more fitting, and too stupid to come up with anything better.